Thursday, March 4, 2010

How does communism affect the world?

While some may argue communism doesn't affect the world a lot, it actually does affect the world in many ways.
One way communism affects the world is people loose a bunch of money! Most of there money all goes to the government. The government gets the money from you by making you pay a higher amount of tax. My Parents have to pay taxes every month! That's a whole lot of cash going right out of your pocket.
Another way communism affects the world is everything belongs to the government. Homes, land, cars, Everything! No one can own any private stuff. It all go's to the government.
Finally, communism affects the world because they believe that the state is better than individual rights. You are pretty much like a prisoner. You have to follow one religion and your forced to do a job even if you don't want to do it.
So as you can see, Communism affects the world in many many different ways.