Thursday, March 4, 2010

How does communism affect the world?

While some may argue communism doesn't affect the world a lot, it actually does affect the world in many ways.
One way communism affects the world is people loose a bunch of money! Most of there money all goes to the government. The government gets the money from you by making you pay a higher amount of tax. My Parents have to pay taxes every month! That's a whole lot of cash going right out of your pocket.
Another way communism affects the world is everything belongs to the government. Homes, land, cars, Everything! No one can own any private stuff. It all go's to the government.
Finally, communism affects the world because they believe that the state is better than individual rights. You are pretty much like a prisoner. You have to follow one religion and your forced to do a job even if you don't want to do it.
So as you can see, Communism affects the world in many many different ways.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What makes you powerful?

I believe there are many things that can make you powerful. One thing that can make you powerful is trust. If you gain trust from people they would look up to you and want to be more like you. What you do they do. You have control! Also, is if your an adult people will respect you and will do as you tell them to. Like your parents, most kids will do as they're told by their parents. Another thing that makes you powerful is if you're someone's boss at work. They will have to do what you say or else they would get fired by you. You have the right to do that to someone who works for you which makes you powerful!!! So as you can see there are really many things that make you powerful.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cause for teen jobs

Benito Martinez


Period 3

My Mom has her own business so she can make money. My Dad has a job to make money as well. Everyone gets jobs basically to have money in their pockets to spend. While some people may think the main cause for teens getting jobs is because their parents can't afford to take care of them, to move, or just to have something to do, it's because they just want money.

Another possible cause for teens getting jobs is because Parents can't afford to take care of them. Some teens have to earn all the money and do everything for their parents. Especially the teens with handicapped parents.

Having a job can maybe even make you a little more rich than you were before. You may have very little to no money at all if you don't have a job. My friends all went to apply at a restaurant once, and before long they had at least 300 dollars by the end of the week including tips. They really love the tips because it's money they can use right away.

Teens get jobs to have fun. They want some money to spend at stores with friends. You can go pretty much anywhere with money and friends! I mean, who doesn't want to shop every once in a while?

So as you can see, this is the main reason for teens to get jobs. I think everyone should get a job at some point in time. The money will help you out in the long run.